
Thursday, May 15, 2008

A competition!! Woo hoo!!

Jenny is running a competition for a new Wii Fit. Now I don't know if I am eligible, living in South Africa and all, but thought I would give it a bash. Actually I cannot compete with all the stories that have already been posted but maybe I will get some fellow GROWers to join me in my quest! I found Jenny through Crystal, her exercise story is hilarious! Go check it out.

Exercise and me have never been friendly. I did not do much sport at school and stayed quite thin, thanks I think to my mom's cooking and a tight budget. In my final year I boarded with a friend whose mother often baked. Well, that was the end of that! And the beginning of my battle with the evil exercise devil!! I have tried running on numerous occasions. I get shinsplints and cannot last 1 km. I bought an exercise bike. Hmm, it was used about 10 times over the space of a few years and then dumped in the garage. We bought a weight bench with a set of weights. Good coat rack and seat. The weights work well too for holding stuff down in the wind. I bought an Orbitrek cross-trainer. My son loves to play on it and it moves from the study to the sitting room to the bedroom and makes a good clothes rack. I even lent it to my trainer when she did not have one of her own. At least then it got used!

We have countless exercise books but I have not resorted to the videos/DVDs yet. I bought those weights which you attach to your ankles, the idea being to put them on while at home and have a workout while walking around. Yeah, right! The hubby bought me an exercise ball. Good for kids to play with but takes up way too much space and is now deflated in the cupboard. Oh, and my hubby bought that shock belt thing for himself that you put on and just sit around while it shocks your muscles into growing and becoming defined. Well, he used it diligently for about 3 weeks and it too is now in the cupboard. The punching bag would probably be used if it was ever put up. Anything else...... oh yes, skipping rope, hula hoop, sit-up bench, mat, etc.etc.

The most recent purchase was a treadmill which my hubby bought for me for our 15th anniversary. Not such a strange anniversary gift you will see if you read more of my blog. That has been the most successful to date. BUT only because I found the best exercise tool I could find - commitment. Yeah, yeah, now she's going to get all preachy on us, you might say, but I have to say that all the exercise tools in the world will not help if you do not commit yourself 100% to getting rid of the weight. I did not reach my target in April but am still very happy with where I am for now. My next target date is 30 June and I challenge all of you to join me, not for prizes but for the wonderful feeling you get when you can fit into smaller clothes and your husband can't stop touching your butt and saying how great you look!

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