
Friday, February 15, 2008


A bit of consciousness coaching which I learned from Mandi.....

How much responsibility do you take for GROWing?? 100%? 80%??

If you answered 80% then who has to take the other 20% resposibility? Do they know that they are responsible? Are they prepared to take on that responsibility?

If you keep blaming others or circumstance for eating badly then you are not taking 100% responsibility. You need to work around circumstance. I know I blamed comfort eating all the time. Once I was able to stop saying that I comfort ate and that's why I picked up so much weight, then I was able to start taking responsibility and that is when I started losing weight.
I decided that the only person who could take full resposibility for my losing weight was me. No more sneaking a biscuit or a packet of Niknaks when nobody was looking. No more having dessert or cake because, ah shame, it is so-and-so's birthday or Valentine's day and we don't want to hurt feelings or it is a special occasion which only happens once a year. Problem is that there are so many 'once-a-year' special occasions that they add up to 100 times a year.

So if anyone out there is offended when I refuse a second helping or dessert which you slaved over in the kitchen, then I ask you now to forgive me. I do not want to have to give you any responsibility for me not reaching my goals.

Addendum: Mandi has been for a number of courses in consciousness coaching and currently trains on them as well. She also does private consciousness coaching at the studio. I never went for any private sessions but she has been weaving some coaching into our training sessions. Seems to have done the trick. I will see if there is a website with more info if anyone is interested.


Lucy said...

Well done with your weight loss. Keep up the good work!

Lucy said...

By the way - what's the progress on your other 2 Grower's - I thought the idea was to support them too. Would be nice to see their progress?